Carl Icahn renforce encore sa participation dans Xerox
Poursuivant sa sĂ©quence d’augmentation de la participation de Xerox Holding Corp. (NYSE: XRX) au cours des derniers mois, Carl Icahn (Trades, Portfolio) a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© qu’il avait augmentĂ© la position de 3,86% plus tĂŽt cette semaine.
La firme du gourou basĂ©e Ă New York, Icahn Capital Management, est connue pour prendre des positions militantes dans des entreprises sous-Ă©valuĂ©es et en difficultĂ© et travailler avec la direction afin d’amĂ©liorer la rentabilitĂ© et de dĂ©gager de la valeur pour les actionnaires.
Selon GuruFocus Real-Time Picks, une fonctionnalitĂ© Premium, Icahn a rĂ©cupĂ©rĂ© 1,06 million d’actions supplĂ©mentaires du fabricant d’imprimantes basĂ© Ă Norwalk, dans le Connecticut, le 3 novembre, impactant le portefeuille d’actions de 0,10%. L’action se nĂ©gociait Ă un prix moyen de 18,69 $ par action le jour de la transaction.
Il dĂ©tient dĂ©sormais 28,53 millions d’actions, qui reprĂ©sentent 2,7% du total des actifs gĂ©rĂ©s et reprĂ©sentent prĂšs de 14% du capital de la sociĂ©tĂ©. C’Ă©tait sa 10e plus grande participation Ă la fin du deuxiĂšme trimestre.
Carl Icahn Further Tones Up Stake In Xerox
Continuing his streak of increasing the Xerox Holding Corp. (NYSE:XRX) stake over the past several months, Carl Icahn (Trades, Portfolio) disclosed he boosted the position another 3.86% earlier this week.
The guru’s New York-based firm, Icahn Capital Management, is known for taking activist positions in undervalued, struggling companies and working with management in order to improve profitability as well as unlock value for shareholders.
According to GuruFocus Real-Time Picks, a Premium feature, Icahn picked up another 1.06 million shares of the Norwalk, Connecticut-based printer manufacturer on Nov. 3, impacting the equity portfolio by 0.10%. The stock traded for an average price of $18.69 per share on the day of the transaction.
He now holds 28.53 million shares, which account for 2.7% of the total assets managed and represent a nearly 14% stake in the company. It was his 10th-largest holding at the end of the second quarter.
GuruFocus estimates the firm has lost 22.42% on the investment since establishing it in the fourth quarter of 2015.